Accessibility - Australian Sports Foundation

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The Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) website provides a wide range of information to all Australians. We have incorporated a number of facilities in our website to enable easier access to our content.

Government accessibility standards

The Australian Government Information Management Office sets out minimum standards of website accessibility, and the ASF website seeks to comply with these standards in an effort to make our content easily available to all users, regardless of the hardware or software used to access our website, or the constraints under which the user may be operating. The ASF website is regularly tested to ensure ongoing conformance with these standards.

The website accessibility standards outline three levels of conformance that describe how well a website answers the requirements. The first level of compliancy assures that a website has fulfilled all checkpoints that are absolutely necessary to provide a minimum standard of accessibility. The second level of compliancy assures that a website has fulfilled all the checkpoints that should be followed to provide a good level of accessibility. The third level of compliancy assures that a website has fulfilled all checkpoints that may be followed to provide an optimal level of accessibility.

The ASF website strives to uphold the second level of compliance for all webpages.

If you encounter any problems while using this website, or find that content is inaccessible, pleaseĀ contact us.